Divine Abundance


Size 48″x24″

Medium: Acrylics

Crystals:  An abundance of amazing crystal medicine is used in this painting:

Agate, Amethyst, Blue Chalcedony, Brecciated Jasper, Citrine, Yellow and Orange Calcite, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Petrified Wood, Smokey Quartz, Obsidian and Blue Lace Agate

About:  Divine Abundance will benefit you by grounding your spirit to the earth by calming and nurturing your emotions from erratic energies within the body.

She will bring through supportive energies that can help you release feelings of being stuck.

It will clear away blockages from stagnant energies within your body and environment.

Her energies will assist in the rejuvenation and vitality of the mind, body and soul to strengthen, balance and protect all chakras in a blissful supporting harmony.

This will enable a clear mind, a positive flow of energy to set in motion, new goals, offering an alternate path to analyse and explore new options available to you.
